Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I had a dream last night.

Bear (menacing) chasing a guy and a girl over a bridge.
Then tiger (young but not a baby) steps in to fight bear on the bridge.
The guy is behind the girl standing on the other side of the bridge watching as they fight.
The tiger and the bear fall into the river.
Bear starts fighting something else and the tiger swims away.
Bear carcass floats to the top and it looks like a horse.
The girl and the tiger run away.

I felt distinctly that the tiger was me. (I was born on the year of the Tiger and this year is the year of the Tiger)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

As of yesterday, February 1st, 2010 ...

The Lord told me that I would no longer be working for myself or someone else, but I would be working for Him.


"From now on....You will be working for me."

Love, Krissy