Monday, October 11, 2010


I need you. My emotions are going CRAZY. I feel so depressed and alone and angry and sad and just exhausted! Please Jesus, help me. I feel like I am drowning in this sea of bitter anguish and I can't see straight. I NEED you.

Please Jesus, I can't do this on my own.

But Job replied, "You talk as one of the foolish women speak. Should we accept only
good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?" Job 2:10

Shall we at once lose all our confidence in our great Benefactor the
moment He takes away our comforts, and visits us with pain?

"The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord." Job 1:21

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Lord Jesus,

I don't know what to think of these feelings. I need your help with this warfare that I am experiencing. I feel somehow that I am unwanted or a nuisance and that I'm not wanted by people. Lord Jesus, I need you. I feel so bogged down by these feelings that I feel for relyt and all the implications that come with that. Oh Jesus please, I sacrifice them to you. You are in charge of my emotions and being attracted to someone is not a sin! I need you to RENEW my mind. Lord Please clear my mind. I can't do any of this without you. Lord please help me to clean and to organize my things. Lord help me with bills and with a a new purse and with Joe and with Mom and with just all the feelings of trying to figure out this life. Lord help me with the emotions of this job offer and all the implications. Help me with the emotions of community ups and downs. THANK you for one year anniversary! Lord I'm scared of hurting devon bc I like him. Lord is it your will that I would be with ...I just don't like being confrontational and it's hard and I just feel so confused. Lord, help me to just LET GO and stop overanalyzing. Jesus please help me just to love like you do and to follow you no matter what. Take this heavy load of worry and anxiety and fill me up with your PEACE. I need you! I need you to show me if I am just thinking that I kinda like him or if I really have a reason to think that he does. Lord please help me to just be filled with you and to know that you are in charge and no matter what know that your life is being filled up in me.

Please help me not to take things so seriously. Lord take my heart and guard it. I don't want to just give it to a boy instead of you. I need you to help me. Lord, it is eating me up inside and I need you to FILL me. Lord please draw me to you.

I give up my need to be noticed. I give up my need for attention from anyone but YOU.

you are my shelter. You are my husband. come and captivate me Lord. Captivate me. Hold me