Tuesday, August 30, 2011

New life

why does your heart feel insecure?
do you have clarity on that?
it's probably partially the Lord highlighting things for healing and freedom, and partially satan being a stinky pants.
Sent at 10:45 AM on Tuesday
me: yeah
Sent at 10:48 AM on Tuesday
Monica: as you're able today, spend time with Jesus - not doing a bible study, but meditating on the Word that He leads you to read. spend time receiving His heart about it and for you.
and spend time seeking His heart for others
basically - draw near to His heart. he'll fill you and teach you to love more out of the overflow of His heart
Sent at 10:49 AM on Tuesday
Monica: be blessed in that. Papa, draw krissy near to Your heart today, and show her the wealth of affection that You have for her. Show her new revelation of Your mercy and kindness
and touch/fill her heart with a new measure of understanding and delight in You.
bring light to any warfare of the enemy, especially as he would seek to bring discouragement and attack against the reality of who she is in Christ.
and break her free from it and wash all residue of nasty crap away, Holy Spirit.
I pray you'd encounter her today with the abundance of You, Lord.