Thursday, December 9, 2010


So I was in this room with other people I think from community taking a test and I was frustrated because I thought I kept marking the wrong answers. So I ended up leaving the room and running to my car, all the while I had a thought in the back of my head that the answers might not have been actually wrong, they were just not the same that everyone else had. I saw Rosi out by my car and he was frustrated with the same thing and we bonded a little about that and then I got in my car and started driving and Zak and a van of community people was beside me while I was driving the same place as them and I saw 2 deer on the side of the road and I was like awwwwwww deer on the side of the road, so I slowed down and opened my window and was touched by their beauty and I was really excited but then I started going because I realized the other van was going to leave me behind but before I could get going a BABY FAWN jumped right into my car through my passenger side window!!! I was flabbergasted and amazed and excited and scared all at the same time that my car did a little loop and I took a different road than the van was taking. I was really upset because I wanted to be with the van and I didn't know where this other road was leading me. So we went down this road and I saw some dark foreboding corn fields but heck if I was going to let my little fawn treasure of a deer go out in that creepy place even though it looked safe from cars so then we kept going down the road and ended up going to this empty mall type place but there were no stores. I ended up losing the deer when I was getting back in the car and then met up with Zak again in the van somehow and he said that he and Tyler had a word from God for me and prophesied with exactness what I had eaten and bought ... and I knew they weren't there, so I knew it was from God ....and THEN they told me that I was upset about the test but I didn't have to be because God LOVED me and that it was all right. THEN I was transported and I was at my mom/dad's house and I was watching a movie about spiritual things I think and it was talking about shopping at one point I remember, it kinda looked like that shut up poster in the prayer room at the gladstone in the dream but it was describing different parts of personalities and how it was all fitting together and even though there were lots of parts, they all formed to make one word and somehow it was good and joining relationship with others. Then my mom stormed in the room in her angry scary mode and she said, "WHY do you always have to watch movies all the time?!?!??!" And I felt so much shame, condemnation and then I felt resolve to keep it on just to spite her. So she left the room and I felt like that at any time she was going to bust down the doors that I was standing against with my foot near the door to try to keep it closed. The doors on the room I was in don't keep locked and someone can easily open them. I was upset that I couldn't watch the rest of the movie but I felt shame that maybe I do watch too many movies and maybe I shouldn't see Narnia because my mom would disapprove. I was also upset because I thought my mom was better but she seemed to be reverting back to old patterns. Then my dream ended!!!

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