Sunday, December 5, 2010


Hey Daddy,

So I wanted to express some ideas to you. I need you and I need your advice. Please help me. I want to come back to a romance with you but I'm not sure what that is going to look like. I have so many ideas going through my head and I feel like that I live most of my life trying to get away from "bad" feelings and get to "good" feelings whether the medium which I use is healthy it is irrelevant. I just want what is going to make me feel good and I want it quickly. So Lord, Please increase my desires to not only feeling good but going DEEP in you. GOING DEEP into intimacy. I want hunger. I want yearning. I want passion. I want to go to a worship session and feel like I just took a drink from a deep well. I want every revelation of your cross to strike new passion within me. I'm tired of the dry day to day mundane, I want to experience you. Lord, I know that you aren't boring, I just know that I have too many thoughts and stuff that I am chasing simultaneously that my focus is slightly off kilter. Lord Jesus, I know that a guy can teach me many things about you, I ask that all of my relationships would not be selfish but be loving and pushing towards you. I ask that you would make me selfless, giving and unassuming in my relationships. Remove my expectations and my dashed hopes. I ask that you would renew me once again with your affections for me so that I can experience your presence anew in a different and hopeful way. I ask that you would help me in my job at First Watch that I can truly love the people and the staff and the management and to serve you in everyway that I can with an awesome and amazing attitude. Draw me closer into you and FILL me with the abundance of your HOLY SPIRIT that I may overflow with hope. Thank you Daddy, Draw me into the intimacy of your heart, let me feel your emotions. Jesus stop Emily's physical pain, I ask that you would draw her close tonight and fill her mind with dreams from you and let your heart be one with hers.

Bless my dreams and fill my empty and wandering thoughts with you, Jesus!

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