Sunday, January 24, 2010

Being interested in life, in self, and in others
is a very good trait to practice.
You can't go wrong in it! It's a time wisely invested!
However i don't think it's possible to really learn the trait
without God being in the center of the entire pursuit
or the reason behind the pursuit.

It is natural for us to want to look at the physical
and the outer
. We all do it daily.
But it's good to sometimes practice to
shut that part
of ourselves off
and give our mind and heart way to dominate.

Many times we don't give people a chance
simply because their outer appearance doesn't fancy us
or the first impression wasn't "lovely"
or we just don't like "their type".
Understandable...because that's our human nature.
But as Christians God persuades us to have control
over our nature.
Because if we let it dominate
in our life
we will quickly find ourselves
headed in a downward direction.

...I have always been a people watcher.
Even when i was a teeny girl my passion was to study people.
Sadly that passion came out of the daily fear i lived in.
The unpredictable behavior of the people closest to me
made me desperate for understanding.
I think the understanding part was driven by the
desire to love them in the midst of the unpredictability
and the chaos.
Nevertheless it has served a good purpose in my life!
God was able to turn the weed into a fruit-bearing tree!

...just random thoughts.

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