Sunday, January 24, 2010

Outpouring at IWU

Hey guys,

Check this out!!

I was reading some of the cool testimonies from the ihop awakening thing. and there was one from IWU.... so you may enjoy this!!!
Move of the Holy Spirit (Indiana Wesleyan University)
Small groups of prayer have been breaking out all over campus. There have been outbreaks of repentance and confession and healing and freedom. There have been baptisms of the Holy Spirit. We have started an unofficial prayer room that goes on 2 hours 6 days a week. There have been small groups of equipping of the Revelatory Gifts! People are learning to prophesy almost INSTANTLY! It's incredible! Praise God! Holy Spirit is on the move here!
Prayer is an attitude toward life that sees everything as ultimately sacred, everything as potentially life-changing, everything as revelatory of life’s meaning. It is our link between dailiness and eternity. ~ Joan Chittister, OSB

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