Sunday, January 24, 2010

Lord I need your help. Please help me to have a positive attitude today.
I ask that you bless Tony's business and help relieve his stress, God. I
know that it is crazy busy during this time of year and that you love
him and want to draw Him closer in the midst of hardship. I pray that you
would bless him and fill his mind with the truth about what you think about him. I ask that he would not base the worth of his work and business on other's opinions, but that you would continue to open his eyes to your wisdom. Fill this room with peace rather than tension. God, I'm sorry for reacting. Forgive me. Fill me with your strength.

Please help me to see that my worth is not based on how I work. Lord Jesus help me. I'm sorry for being late, I 'm sorry for checking the chords when I should've been working, I'm sorry for not always having the best attitude. Lord I'm sorry for knocking over the harddrive. I feel horrible! Why doesn't it work? I can't do this God. I need you to help me and comfort me. GOd I'm so upset at everything. I'm upset at Ahna and the whole Justin situ with her and I'm upset at dad and at justin. Lord Thank you for refining me in all of this. I know that you can take horrible situations and work them for my good. Thank you for Heidi coming in to look at the christmas cards and the dvd, it was like a breath of fresh air. I really felt just a lifting. Please God, streghten me to love like you love. There are so many broken and hurting people around me and I can't do this on my own. Lord, where is my joy? I need you. Please come and rejuvinate me with your power. I feel like I don't have enough to make it through. Lord I need you to help me to breathe. Hold me. Hold me, Daddy. I need your comfort and your strength. I really need help to make it through. I surrender all of my human efforts to you. I am easily distractable and I can't handle anything on my own. It's all up to you, Lord. It's all up to you! I need you, Daddy. Fill me with your love. Fill me with your strength. Lord help me to respond to Tony with your love and help me to respond to Justin in love and to respond to Ahna in love, I can't do any of this in my own strength. IN my weakness you are strong. Lord when I have nothing to are FULL in me. Your strength prevails. I give everything to you. You are in charge. I can't do this on my own. I need you to break down this wall in me and fill me up with you!!! Jesus, I love you. Speak to me, Jesus!

His Response:

"Kristina I don't expect you to be perfect. I know you are going to mess up. I know that and I EXPECT my grace to cover you. My darling you are my precious bride and I love to love you. Don't try to earn what I have freely given you. Life is not lived on your own. You "Can't" do it on your own! You are right. You need me to step in and break down the walls that you have placed around you. My darling it is for your good. It is for your good. My darling I have your best in mind and I won't let go of you even when you let go of me. My darling I have your life under my control. It looks like it is out of earthly control, but that is because I have placed it under my divine authority. Your life is not your own. Your life is mine and I love to love you! I will not be far away.I will help you with the rest of your not fret or fear, your FATHER is hear. I hear. I hear. I hear you when you cry. I hear you when you laugh. I hear you when you feel so hurt that you wonder if anyone can understand. I understand. I understand. I understand. My darling, don't doubt me. We have so much to accomplish and I LOVE working with you! YOU get things DONE! It's true. My darling. Don't believe the lies that you can't. I have so much good in store for you and I will heal your soul that is longing for love. I will heal you. I will restore you. I have your best in mind."

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