Sunday, January 24, 2010


thank you for showing me that picture and helping me heal. Thank you that there is beauty in the breakdown. Thank you Lord. Thank you that I don't have to fear cleaning anymore because in you, you said that I am more than enough. I measure up and you say "Well done". Thank you for being with me there on the steps when I am vacumming and you said that it was Good, and you were telling me "good job". Thank you that you were sitting on the steps with me when I was doing it Lord. Lord please heal that memory and Lord, I forgive my dad for that incident Lord. I let it go. I let go. Lord please keep bringing up these things and helping me to deal with them one by one. I thank you that your presence is with me and even when I feel plain with grungy clothes and no still see the beauty in me, Lord. Thank you for your truth. I ask, that you would continue to clean our house with your loving kindness and fill my heart with your truth. Help me know you and believe you Jesus. Help me to accept your truth. I thank you for satisfying my soul with your goodness. I bless you Jesus you are so good to me! I love you.

Love Krissy

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