Sunday, January 24, 2010

"Why be surrounded by multitudes if the multitudes were not really desiring to learn from, and to follow Him?
Follow the Christ into the quiet places of prayer" - God Calling

Not quite sure what is going on with me lately.
i'm not myself
i'm in a better state i think...
but not the same and that worries me a little.

i don't care to be heard
and i don't care to be seen
i'm alright with being invisible for a while.
i feel like i untied myself from something that was holding me back.
Maybe from the pressure of earning those never quite satisfying "achievements" of
being noticed or being important.

i<-am not that important and living this life like i am is not important.

Life gains importance when you have invested your self in learning God,
when you have stepped aside from the "mirror",
when you give up obsessing over yourself and your ego.

Our days are so short...we are so fragile and sadly every one of us... important or not will die.
(We all will have to bury someone we love & will be buried by someone who loves us)

I hope to invest myself in God more versus my ego and how it fits into the majority.

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