Sunday, January 24, 2010


Sins washed away! Freedom! No longer counted against me!
Forgive her.

Realize that they are dealing with things too. When they react to me, realize that
it may not be because of me.

My issues do not scare him
He loves me

Bring it on! My God is bigger. He loves me.
He will guard and support me.

discernment is for intercession
don't need to know the answer

He loves me.
God is bigger than this.
He can handle all the answers
So I don't have to

Gotta take some time, love
Gotta take some time with me
I will possess your heart

Put roots down,
Cease fighting God.

it's not getting what you's wanting what you've got

he allowed pivotal conversations
michelle,(learn who your approval comes from), LISTEN first (even if it isn't true!) Ask you statement questions, people just want to be heard
mao (trust He will give you your desires, ie: China, you don't have to feel guilty)
fight the seeds of lies with the word
Andrew (cease fighting God)/ what is done when others don't see affects how you
react to them
Jesus - instrument of praise, drunk in spirit, laughter
Ben - Do it as unto the LORD

Assume love -Em
grace - monica

Just want someone to sit down and listen to me.

I get on facebook/gmail so much because I am lonely and long for someone to fill it.

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