Sunday, January 24, 2010

.because i want to hear Your voice say, "well done, my good and faithful servant"
when i meet You face to face, i want to make sure that I
carefully listen to Your voice now."

Listening to His voice really means to live out the Bible day to day.
When it says "ask and you shall receive" - you expect to receive
and hold your part of the deal - which would mean give God the space
to give you what you asked for instead of arranging things your self
by your own "good judgment".
It's hard. But i'm doing it... I want to do that!

Sticking to the Truth means you'll have to reject your own logic at times,
your own deepest desires and reject all the "signs"
(even if they scream at you from all directions).
If they don't match up to the Truth - the Bible
than they are a waste and a way to destruction.

This is a raw and sober life that at times separates even your body and soul.

Peeling at the core
My body and my soul
At war

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