Wednesday, January 27, 2010

He is the truth, our life, and everything we should aim for, to be like, to glorify in our workouts, studies, and jobs. The pastor preached that I was made in His image. I was wonderfully made in my mother’s womb…I am beautiful simply because I am His daughter and I am covered with His blood that paid the price for my death and my sins. I am beautiful simply because of Him. I am perfected because of Him.

You start to think over your past week and all of the thoughts, worries, and ways you planned to change your life. Then you began to understand all of the lies that you were starting to listen to and the truth that you simply silenced. You began to cry thinking how selfish you had been. All of those thoughts could have been captured, lifted up, and I could have been focused on others instead of focusing on the ways of men. You realize that you tend to beat yourself up for not looking the best, being the smartest, or having the nice things, but in reality you have everything everyone wants, you have the answer to the world’s whim; you have Him.

Jesus is my Savior, my life, my rock, and my shield. He has made me beautiful in His image and intelligent by His grace. He daily gives me wisdom and continues to pull on my heart. This is the truth that I need to tell myself, not what I need to look like or how I am not enough, but simply focus on Him. He chose me before the beginning of time. He has pulled on my heart and aligned everything according to His plan. He has made me for His glory. He is the way, the truth, and the life. I want to be focused on Him.

Are your eyes focused on the “me” or the Him?

I really want to emphasize how important it is that we hold all thoughts captive as obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). We naturally are too prideful to hold our thoughts captive and when we are prideful and do not hold our thoughts captive we do not leave room for the Lord to intervene, we do not allow love into our lives (Psalm 10:4). So all in all this note is written to warn you to capture your thoughts and give them to the Lord. Set your eyes, mind, and heart on Him.

1 comment:

  1. Psalm 10:4 (New International Version)

    4 In his pride the wicked does not seek him;
    in all his thoughts there is no room for God.
